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soldering iron sett...
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soldering iron setting

Member Customer

May I ask what would be the best advisable setting for soldering iron temperature to successfully solder DJH White Metal using 70 degree solder?

Topic starter Posted : 19 December 2022 15:37

Hello. I use an old H and M transformer with a variable 12 volt output to power an Antex 12 v iron . By playing around you will find a suitable temperature . DO NOT play about with kit parts until you are sure. Regards Mark 

Posted : 11 August 2023 16:31

As per Mark's post - get some scrap white-metal, possibly the runners for the castings and play around with them. A proper temperature-controlled iron makes it a lot easier, and use plenty of liquid flux.


I brewed a 10% phosphoric acid blend, as suggeted by Iain Rice, and have a Preciva temperature-controlled iron that seems to work quite well at around 130C with lots of flux.

Posted : 3 December 2023 10:34